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| #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author:Chuanwei @file:nmap_to_csv.py @time:2019/10/06 """ """ 使用方法: nmap扫描输出xml文件:nmap -sS -O -sV -iL test.txt -v -T4 -Pn -oX test.xml 单个:python nmap_to_csv.py test.xml 批量:python nmap_to_csv.py 1.xml 2.xml 3.xml 处理结果输出为csv文件,名称和源文件名称一样。 """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import sys
def usage(): print ("使用方法: %s 1.xml 2.xml 3.xml ...... " % __file__) def parseNmap(filename,out_filename): try: tree=ET.parse(filename) root=tree.getroot() except Exception as e:
print (e) return {} with open(out_filename,"w") as f: f.write("主机名,ip,端口,状态,协议,服务,版本,操作系统类型,其他信息\n") for host in root.iter('host'): if host.find('status').get('state') == 'down': continue ip=host.find('address').get('addr',None) hostname = host.find('hostnames').find('hostname').get('name',None) if not ip and not hostname: continue if host.find('ports').find('port') == None: output = hostname + "," + ip + ",,,,,,," + "\n" f.write(output) else: for ports in host.iter('port'): port = ports.get('portid','') status = ports.find('state').get('state','') protocol = ports.get('protocol','') service = ports.find('service').get('name','') product = ports.find('service').get('product','') version = ports.find('service').get('version','') ostype = ports.find('service').get('ostype','') extrainfo = ports.find('service').get('extrainfo','') output = hostname + "," + ip + "," + port + "," + status + "," + protocol + "," + service + ","+ version + ","+ ostype + ","+ extrainfo + "\n" f.write(output) print(out_filename + "文件已生成!") def main(args): for xml_file in args[1:]: print("处理:" + xml_file) out_filename = xml_file.strip(".xml")+ ".csv" parseNmap(xml_file,out_filename) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit(usage()) else: main(sys.argv)